Dog DayCare
Daycare Services
At Milo's Daycare, we provide a home-like daycare experience that ensures your dog is happy, safe, and well-cared for. Our daycare services offer a structured and engaging environment, promoting socialization, exercise, and comfort.
Key Benefits:
Home-Like Environment: Cozy, stress-free, and familiar.
Personalized Attention: Small groups and tailored care.
Socialization: Safe and friendly atmosphere.
Exercise and Play: Hourly outdoor time in a secure area.
Indoor Comfort: Air-conditioned relaxation.
Peace of Mind: Regular updates and trusted care.
Flexible Scheduling: Drop-off and pick-up times to fit your schedule.
Operating Hours: Open from 8:30 AM to 8:30 PM, daycare services up to 12 hours.
Pet Taxi Service: Convenient pick-up and drop-off services.

Important Note
Daycare and boarding services are charged separately and cannot be combined. For example, if your dog is booked for daycare and you decide to extend their stay overnight, you will be charged the daycare price plus the boarding night price. Each service is distinct to ensure the best care for your dog.
Daycare Membership Packages
Membership Benefits:
Cost Savings: Discounted rates.
Flexible Plans: Daily, weekly, or monthly packages.
Priority Booking: Secure your spot.
Basic Daycare Membership
224$Every monthÂ- $28 a daycare
- 8 daycare visits up to 12 hours
Premium Daycare Membership
400$Every monthÂ- $25 per daycare
- 16 daycare visits up to 12 hours
- 5% off of boarding services
Platinum Daycare Membership
600$Every monthÂ- $20 a daycare
- Unlimited daycare visits up to 12 hours
- 10% off of boarding services
Standard Walk Weekly Package
90$Every weekGet 5 convenient 30-minute walks throughout the week for your dog’s daily exercise. Perfect for dogs that need regular outdoor time. Save $10 when you choose this weekly package.Â